How Long to Grill Burgers at 350 Degrees

how long to grill burgers at 350 degrees

Fox Heights Pub and Grill

Grilling burgers is a classic American pastime that many people enjoy during the summer months. The key to perfectly grilled burgers lies in getting the timing just right. With a grill temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit, you can achieve deliciously juicy burgers with a slightly charred exterior. In this article, we will guide you through the recommended cooking times for grilling burgers at 350 degrees.

Timing is Everything

When it comes to grilling burgers, timing is everything. Overcooking can result in dry, tasteless patties, while undercooking can lead to food safety concerns. By following the guidelines below, you’ll be on your way to grilling the perfect burger at 350 degrees.

Preheat the Grill

Before you start grilling your burgers, it’s essential to preheat the grill. This ensures that the surface is hot enough to sear the burgers quickly, creating those desirable grill marks and sealing in the juices. Allow the grill to reach a temperature of around 350 degrees Fahrenheit before placing your burgers on it.

Thickness Matters

The thickness of your burger patties will determine the cooking time. Burgers that are thicker will take longer to cook, while thinner patties will cook more quickly. As a general rule, a standard burger patty should be around ¾ inch thick.

Cooking Times

To achieve safe and delicious results, follow these cooking times for grilling burgers at 350 degrees:

  1. Rare: Grill for about 4 minutes per side for a total of 8 minutes.
  2. Medium-Rare: Grill for about 5 minutes per side for a total of 10 minutes.
  3. Medium: Grill for about 6 minutes per side for a total of 12 minutes.
  4. Well-Done: Grill for about 7 minutes per side for a total of 14 minutes.

It’s important to note that these times are approximate and can vary depending on the size and thickness of your burgers. An instant-read thermometer can come in handy to ensure that the internal temperature reaches a safe 160 degrees Fahrenheit for properly cooked ground beef.

Flip Once

While grilling your burgers, resist the temptation to continuously flip them. Flipping your burgers only once will allow them to develop a flavorful crust on the outside while remaining juicy on the inside.

Doneness Test

If you prefer a visually precise method to determine the level of doneness, you can perform the finger test. Gently press the center of the burger with your index finger; if it feels soft and squishy, it is rare. A slightly firmer patty indicates medium-rare, and a well-done burger should feel firm to the touch.

Rest Before Serving

Once your burgers are cooked to perfection, it’s crucial to allow them to rest before serving. Resting allows the juices to redistribute within the patty, resulting in a moist and tender burger. Place the cooked burger on a clean plate and cover it with aluminum foil for around 5 minutes before serving.

In Conclusion

Grilling burgers at 350 degrees Fahrenheit can yield tasty results in a reasonable amount of time. Remember to preheat the grill, adjust cooking times based on patty thickness, flip burgers only once, and use a thermometer to check for desired doneness. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to serve up mouthwatering burgers that are cooked to perfection every time.

Meta Description: Learn how to grill burgers to perfection at 350 degrees. Get the right cooking times, flip techniques, and pro tips for deliciously juicy burgers.

how long to grill burgers at 350 degrees

Fox Heights pub and grill shop