How to Properly Shut Down Your Traeger Grill

how to properly shut down your traeger grill


If you own a Traeger grill, you know that it provides deliciously smoked and grilled meals. However, it’s important to properly shut down your grill after every use to ensure its longevity and safety. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of correctly shutting down your Traeger grill, ensuring that it’s ready for its next cooking session.

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Learn the essential steps to properly shut down your Traeger grill to ensure its longevity and safety. Follow our guide for hassle-free grilling experiences.

Step 1: Turn the Grill Off

To begin the shutdown process, turn the power switch on your Traeger grill to the “off” position. This is usually located on the control panel, but consult your grill’s manual if you have trouble finding it. Wait for the grill to completely power down before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Close the Lid

Before moving forward, make sure the grill’s lid is tightly closed. This prevents heat loss and protects your grill from elements, ensuring that it stays in optimal condition.

Step 3: Close the Dampers or Vents

Next, locate the dampers or vents on your Traeger grill. These regulate airflow and heat distribution. Start by closing the chimney damper, usually located at the top of the grill. Then, locate the vent on the bottom or side of your grill and close it as well. Closing these dampers and vents prevents any potential fire hazards and also saves pellet consumption.

Step 4: Disconnect the Power

If your Traeger grill is connected to a power outlet, unplug it from the power source. This is essential to ensure safety and prevent any electrical mishaps.

Step 5: Empty the Ash Residue

After several grilling sessions, ash buildup can occur in the fire pot at the bottom of your grill. To properly shut down your Traeger grill, remove any ash residue. Allow the grill to cool down completely, then open the fire pot door and use a vacuum cleaner or an ash removal tool to clear out the ash. This step ensures better performance and prevents clogging.

Step 6: Clean the Cooking Grates

While not necessary for shutting down your Traeger grill, taking care of the cooking grates after each use is highly recommended. Use a grill brush to scrub off any residue or debris from the grates. This not only keeps your grill hygienic but also extends the lifespan of the grates.

Step 7: Protect and Cover the Grill

To keep your Traeger grill in top condition, invest in a grill cover specifically designed for your model. Once your grill has cooled down completely, cover it to protect it from dust, moisture, and other environmental factors. This step is particularly crucial if you live in an area prone to extreme weather conditions.


Properly shutting down your Traeger grill is the key to prolonging its life, ensuring safety, and maintaining optimal cooking performance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enjoy hassle-free grilling experiences while protecting your investment. Remember to consult your grill’s manual for any specific instructions and always prioritize safety when operating and shutting down your grill.

Now it’s time to shut down your Traeger grill the right way and extend its lifespan!

how to properly shut down your traeger grill

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