Smoked Turkey on Primo Grill: A Flavourful Delight!

smoked turkey on primo grill

Smoked turkey on Primo Grill is the epitome of mouthwatering perfection. Discover the secrets of achieving tender, juicy, and smoky turkey with our comprehensive guide.

Meta Description: Learn how to achieve juicy and smoky perfection with smoked turkey on Primo Grill. Discover the secrets to a flavourful delight that will leave your taste buds craving for more!


Smoking a turkey on a Primo Grill takes your culinary skills to a whole new level. The combination of Primo’s superior heat retention and the smoky flavor infused into the meat creates a turkey that is undeniably succulent and flavorful. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to achieving the perfect smoked turkey on a Primo Grill, allowing you to impress your family and friends with your expert grilling skills.

Choosing the Ideal Turkey

Before diving into the smoking process, it is important to select the right turkey. Aim for a turkey between 12-14 pounds, as this size ensures that the smoking process is manageable and produces evenly cooked meat. Ensure the turkey is thawed completely and remove any giblets or excess fat.

Brining for Moisture

Brining is the secret to tender and moist smoked turkey. Prepare a brine solution of water, salt, and your choice of spices such as black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves, or rosemary. Place the turkey in a large container and cover it with the brine solution. Refrigerate for at least 12 hours, allowing the flavors to infuse and the turkey to become moist and tender.

Preparing the Primo Grill

While the turkey is brining, it’s time to prepare the Primo Grill. Ensure the grill is clean and free from any residue. For smoking, use either lump charcoal or hardwood charcoal, as they provide a unique smoky flavor profile. Preheat the Primo Grill to a consistent temperature of around 225-250°F. We recommend using a wireless meat thermometer to monitor the internal temperature of the turkey while smoking.

Adding Flavor with Wood Chips

Wood chips are essential for infusing that delicious smoky flavor into your turkey. Soak a handful of wood chips, such as apple, cherry, or hickory, in water for at least 30 minutes. Drain the chips and place them directly on top of the hot coals. This will create a constant release of smoke, adding depth and complexity to the flavor profile.

Smoking the Turkey

Once the Primo Grill is preheated and the wood chips are smoking, it’s time to place the turkey on the grill. Remove the turkey from the brine solution and pat it dry with paper towels. Rub the turkey with a mix of olive oil and your favorite dry rub. This not only enhances the flavor but also helps to achieve a crisp and golden skin.

Carefully position the turkey on the grill, ensuring it is not directly over the coals. Close the grill and maintain a consistent temperature throughout the smoking process, adjusting the coals and vents as needed. Smoke the turkey for approximately 30-40 minutes per pound, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F in the thickest part of the breast and thigh.

Resting and Serving

Once the turkey has reached the desired internal temperature, carefully remove it from the Primo Grill and let it rest for at least 20 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a more tender and flavorful turkey.

Carve the smoked turkey, marveling at the moistness of the meat and the rich smoky aroma. Serve your masterpiece at the dinner table, delighting your guests with this delectable and unique smoky flavor experience.


Smoking a turkey on a Primo Grill is a gratifying experience that elevates your culinary prowess. The combination of the Primo Grill’s exceptional heat retention and the captivating smoky flavor imbued into the meat results in a turkey that is juicy, tender, and bursting with flavor. Follow our step-by-step guide, and savor the delight of smoked turkey that will undoubtedly be a show-stopper at any gathering. Don’t wait any longer – fire up your Primo Grill and embark on your journey to smoked turkey bliss!

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smoked turkey on primo grill

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